
Here is the end of seeking, you who are weary of the road. This compilation of quotes by U.G. Krishnamurti can alter your life. Someone once said to his daughter who had met U.G., “Damned be the day you met this man; your life will never be the same.” Whether we feel cursed or blessed, our coming upon the unique life/energy that is U.G. can change our life forever. This book, an anthology of U.G.'s conversations, taken from many sources, offers some of the most startling and penetrating of U.G.'s words in short, easy to read paragraphs. The selections link together various statements of U.G.'s in a way that creates a sense of cohesiveness. The overall effect of the book can stun the reader into a recognition of the futility of many of his deepest-held convictions about life. Even if one is familiar with U.G.'s way of seeing things, this book offers a comprehensive overview that provides a useful clarification. If you have newly discovered U.G. through this book, be prep...